Personal Development tutors

Dedicated support for students

All full-time students will have a dedicated PDT that you will see every week. Our team of PDTs are here to help guide you on your academic journey and support your wellbeing in College through tailored and individual support.

All of the PDTs have an abundance of skills and qualifications that they will use to provide the very best and most up-to-date support for you.


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What are Personal Development Tutors?

Located in accessible, central locations on each Campus, PDTs provide a holistic approach in the development of each of their students.

Your PDT will help ensure that any barriers to learning are removed, giving you the best chance to have a successful and fulfilling time at College.

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Step 1

Meet with students at least once a week

Step 2

Arrange 1-1 meetings to discuss progress and developmental targets

Step 3

Listen to any concerns students may have and signpost to internal and external services

Step 4

Encourage and support students to maintain an excellent attendance, punctuality and behaviour record

Step 5

Support students to progress onto the next level of their course, to university or into the workplace



If you are aged 19+ we can help you upskill and invest in your future with one of our adult courses.

You may see a fee attached to the course you’re interested in, but if you are 19+ there may be funding options available to cover the cost of your course.

Get in touch with if you’d like anymore information.

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