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Welcome to the Digital Hub

Driving Innovation and Excellence in Digital Skills

The Digital Hub at Cheshire College South & West is at the forefront of digital education and training. Designed to equip the workforce of tomorrow with innovative skills, our Digital Hub offers unparalleled opportunities for businesses to upskill their employees, access industry-leading resources, and collaborate on innovative projects.
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Running until 2025, The Digital Hub project is set to benefit over 50,000 students by providing access to specialist and state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, inspiring more young people than ever to progress onto higher-level courses and skilled employment.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Our Digital Hub was designed specifically to boost digital skills, enhance career pathways and develop confidence. The Digital Hub comprises of three main strands: Digital Doorstep, Project 4.0, and STREAM.

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Why Choose our Digital Hub?

Scan any object with handheld 3D scanners
Build and print prototypes using Ultimaker 3D Printers
Develop designs in the Dremel DigiLab
Visit new worlds with the Z Space Mixed Reality Sets
Create metal components with the Meltio 3D Block Printer


Project 4.0 is a five-year project that will support students and businesses by providing specialist technical equipment and alternative digital platforms and software.

Supporting digital skills

The importance of digital skills and access to technology has never been more apparent and Cheshire College is on a mission to support the community in this through ‘The Digital Hub’.

Running until 2025, The Digital Hub project is set to benefit over 50,000 students by providing access to specialist and state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, inspiring more young people than ever to progress onto higher-level courses and skilled employment.

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