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Starting Point Nursery

Our outstanding childcare centre

Starting Point caters for children aged 0-5 years. It includes indoor and outdoor play areas, a baby room, a Forest School area, and underfloor heating.

Our experienced team of fully-qualified and pediatric-trained staff provides a warm and friendly environment where your children can enjoy their early years.

How to find us

Crewe Campus
Dane Bank Avenue

Get in touch

Full day

Monday to Friday: 8:00am – 6:00pm

Half day

Monday to Friday: 8:00am – 1:00pm or 1:00pm – 6:00pm

Full day: £45.00

Half day: £25.00

Booking fee (non-refundable): £60.00 per child

The booking fee will be charged on confirmation of a booked place for full-day care  only. This fee is non-refundable and covers administration costs and allows for settling-in visits.

If two children from the same family are booked into the nursery at the same time, a discount is offered at £90 for the two children.

Staff discount is also available.

Our fees include all food, drinks, snacks and wipes.

Nappies and creams will need to be provided.

Please note: Late collection charges are in place and apply to all bookings. The cost is £5 for every 10 minutes or thereof.

It may be that your child is eligible for free early education and childcare under the FEEE scheme. If you have a child aged 2-3 years old, you can check if they’re eligible by contacting your local council on 0300 123 5033.

A bit more about the FEEE Scheme below…

The term after your child turns three, you are entitled to 15 hours of funded sessions.                        

In addition to the universal offer of 15 hours, most working parents of three and four year olds will be eligible for an additional 15 hours per week- giving them a total of 30 hours free childcare.

Parents should visit the Childcare Choices website to find out if they are eligible. You will need your unique reference code.

15 hours example

8am-1pm/1pm-6pm (5 hours) x 3 days = 15 hours

9am-12pm/1pm-4pm (3 hours) x 5 days = 15 hours

9am-3pm (6 hours) x 2 days + 9am-12 (3 hours) = 15 hours

30 hours example

9am – 3pm (6 hours) x 5 days = 30 hours

9am – 4.30pm (7.5 hours) x 4 days = 30 hours

8am-6pm (10 hours) x 3 days = 30 hours

You may put sessions together if you wish to and the following ‘top-up’ sessions will be available:

Breakfast Club (8am-9am): £4.50

Hot lunch: £3.00

High tea: £2.00

Hourly rate: £6.50

Starting Point Nursery accepts childcare vouchers as full or partial payment towards fees.  This includes any vouchers from leading organisations such as the Government tax-free childcare scheme.

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