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Learning for Life & Work at Cheshire College

Why choose Learning for Life & Work at Cheshire College

At Cheshire College South & West, we strive to support our students prepare for independence, life, and work. Our students develop their skills and knowledge through a person-centred curriculum, ready for preparation into adulthood. The courses we offer are tailored with our young people at heart by supporting them to develop their personal, independence, and employment skills. 

Our courses are designed for young people aged 16-24 with or without EHCPs who have learning difficulties and disabilities. The focus for each study pathway is to support young people onto a pathway for success.

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Our Learning for Life and Work students have gone onto progress to a Level 1 course at Cheshire College, or advanced to an apprenticeship, Supported Internship or employment in sectors such as food service, customer service and support roles.

Learning for Life and Work at Cheshire College
A Level Results Day

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Student spotlight

Amy student spotlight


Employability & Development Skills

“I’ve enjoyed the fact that I’ve learned more about myself than I probably have throughout high school and primary school. It’s made me realise what strengths I have personally since I’ve been at the College. The College is very inclusive and everybody is really friendly and supportive of everything, no matter what difficulties you may have it’s there to support everybody. I plan to stay at the College and go on to the Level 1 course and I also hope to take part in tasters next year to help me decide what I am interested in and what I want to do in the future.”



If you are aged 19+ we can help you upskill and invest in your future with one of our adult courses.

You may see a fee attached to the course you’re interested in, but if you are 19+ there may be funding options available to cover the cost of your course.

Get in touch with if you’d like anymore information.

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