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3 Courses

Uniformed Protective Services

Why choose a career in Uniformed Protective Services

Are you driven to help others, especially in times of crisis? Do you like to be active and enjoy following clear rules as part of a tight-knit team? If so, a rewarding career in the Uniformed Protective Services may be the role for you.

Throughout your studies, you’ll develop the skills and level of physical fitness you need as you prepare for a career in this sector. You’ll also learn and embed key fundamentals that will prove vital in your future role, including team building, how to become highly disciplined, and be better prepared to deal with challenging and unpredictable situations.

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Cheshire College is proud to have strong links with a range of Uniformed Protective Services including the Army, Cheshire Fire and Cheshire Police. These relationships benefit our students immensely as they explore work placements, advice and employment opportunities.

Our Uniformed Protective Services students have progressed onto successful and fulfilling careers in employment within the Armed Forces, Police, Fire and Rescue, Prison and Probation Services and the NHS Ambulance Service.

Life at Cheshire College

Level 1

Progression to the next level programme or join an Apprenticeship

Uniformed Protective Services activity
Purple arrow

Level 2

Progression to the next level programme or…

an Advanced Apprenticeship

with Fire service or armed forces

or onto employment…

Initial roles with the armed forces

Level 3

Progression to the next level programme or…

an Advanced Apprenticeship

with Fire service or armed forces

or onto employment…

such as Roles within the armed forces, police service, fire and rescue, prison and probation services and NHS ambulance service

Pink arrow
Blue arrow
Fire Service cadets

Higher Education

Progress to degree courses…

such as law, criminology or policing and paramedics or international relations

A Level Results Day

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Student spotlight


Level 3 Uniformed Protective Services

“One of my favourite moments from my course is the visit from the RAF. I’m looking forward to going to university and my goal is to join the RAF Police.”



If you are aged 19+ we can help you upskill and invest in your future with one of our adult courses.

You may see a fee attached to the course you’re interested in, but if you are 19+ there may be funding options available to cover the cost of your course.

Get in touch with if you’d like anymore information.

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